
Biotin (Vitamin H)

Essential component of enzymes. Involve din synthesis and breakdown of fatty acids and amino acids through aiding the addition and removal of CO2 to or from active compounds and the removal of NH2 from amino acids. Vitamin H is part of the B complex group of vitamins. All B vitamins help the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used to produce energy. This vitamin helps the body metabolize fats and protein. B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly. 

Stable under most conditions.

Dietary reference intakes of Biotin

Infants 5-6 mcg/day

Children 8-20 mcg/day

Adolescents 25 mcg/day

Adults 30 mcg/day

Pregnant 30 mcg/day

Lactating 35 mcg/day

Food, rich in biotin:

Peanuts, 1 cup (73 mcg)

Liver beef, 3 oz (35 mcg)

Egg, 1 large (25 mcg)

Yogurt, 1 cup (7.4 mcg)

Sweet potatoes, canned, 1 cup (5.5 mcg)

Swiss chard, cooked, 1 cup (5.3 mcg)

Milk, 1 cup (5 mcg)

Salmon, 3 oz (4 mcg)

Haddock, 3 oz (5 mcg)

Bananas, 1 medium (3 mcg)

Tuna, 3 oz (2.6 mcg)

Symptoms of Biotin deficiency

Seborrheic dermatitis



Inflammatory bowel diseases



The best way to get the daily requirement of essential vitamins is to eat a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods.

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